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Add a headless site

Continuing from the last project, we'll add a headless site and integrate it with a Next.js project. Since the process is lengthy, this time we'll focus on adding the headless site and serializing its data for reuse.

Adding SXA Modules

In the previous article, we were able to launch an instance of XM1. In this article, we will configure additional settings to make the Sitecore Experience Accelerator module available to the container, which is necessary for adding Next.js projects.

Prepare a project for XM1

In the previous article, we first created a project to serve as a template. In this article, we will proceed with the steps of removing and adjusting unnecessary items to make the project the simplest XM1 project to run.

XM CloudNext.js

Adding HTML pages

What should you do if you already have website content and HTML data for a Next.js-based site? In fact, the basic functionality of Next.js makes it possible to host a whole set of HTML files and other files on the server.

XM CloudVercel

Sitecore XM Cloud - Vercel Integration

You can choose Vercel as the delivery environment for a CMS created with Sitecore XM Cloud. To simplify this process, Sitecore XM Cloud offers integration features. This guide will cover the steps to deploy a website to Vercel using these features.