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XM Cloud

A world-class, enterprise-ready CMS that allows you to quickly create, manage, and deliver the right content everywhere.

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XM Cloud

Connect to GitHub repository

It is possible to reflect locally developed items through GitHub. In this article, we will show you how to make small changes to items locally and reflect them in the SaaS environment, XM Cloud, through GitHub's repository.

XM Cloud

Adding a New Web Site to XM Cloud

Previously, we have introduced starting up the XM Cloud server and setting up the environment. We will now move on to the procedures for creating a website by launching a sample XM Cloud site.

XM Cloud

Adding the XM Cloud Deploy Environment

Last time I created a new XM Cloud project. At that time, we created an environment called Development, but how does it work with code management? In this article, we will introduce the environment.

XM Cloud

Creating an XM Cloud Deploy Project

The XM Cloud Deploy tool, which is the first tool when using Sitecore XM Cloud, is introduced in this article. This tool allows you to create a Sitecore XM Cloud project that is linked to a GitHub repository.