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Creating Root Items

Up until now, items created as Next.js-based samples have been created based on the root item created when importing JSS samples. This time, we will introduce the procedure for creating the equivalent of a root item.

Chane item's icon

Until now, when you created an item, an icon like a document was always set. It is possible to set an icon for an item, but it can be time-consuming to work on this every time.

Placeholder Creation

In Sitecore, you can name layout areas using placeholders. This allows you to restrict which components can be placed in each placeholder and manage them hierarchically. In this session, we'll introduce the concept of placeholders and how to create them.


Component Creation and Template Linkage - File Edition

As the last in the series of component creation, we will create a file component that allows you to specify a file. The file itself will be a file in the media library, but the main purpose of this component is to see how it can be obtained as data.