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Related Technology

This section contains technical information not included in each category.

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Using the React Router

I've recently resumed development with React, only to find that my past knowledge has become outdated over the years. While this might be expected, I'm noting this down for personal reference, specifically regarding React Router.

About Vite

The Sitecore Search Starter Kit's code shows a departure from previous Sitecore samples by using Vite. This tool is a build tool for modern web development, offering fast development and optimized production builds through a modern JavaScript toolchain.

Utilizing Xpath Helper

XPath (XML Path Language) allows retrieval of elements and attribute values from tree-structured XML/HTML documents. This article introduces a browser add-in that simplifies checking this information directly in your browser.

Sitecore Digital Experience Tokyo 2022 Report

Last week, Sitecore held the Sitecore Digital Experience Tokyo 2022 event, featuring a Sitecore Developer Lunch attended by partners and certified engineers. I hosted the lunch, offering light refreshments, and shared insights to be blogged about later.

Installing the GlobalLink Package

The seminar announcement was the first thing we covered, but it's now available on-demand after the event. You can also view the demo we're discussing today during the seminar on November 26, 2021 (Friday).