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Related Technology

This section contains technical information not included in each category.

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Introduction to Webhook.site

Various Sitecore products support webhooks in various areas, and a system that allows data exchange using Sitecore Connect has been created. The web services introduced here can be supplemented by testing, etc.

Sign up for a free Auth0 plan

When implementing authentication in Next.js, a free Auth0 plan is available for developers. This time, we would like to apply for this free plan so that we can use it for demos, etc.

Introducing Sitecore Blok

The web framework used in Sitecore's products is publicly available, and the company provides a package for anyone to use this framework in the form of Sitecore Blok. In this article, we would like to use Sitecore Blok with Next.js.

Launch Azure Open AI services

In order to use Azure Open AI, it is necessary not only to create it from the Azure administration screen, but also to apply for it so that it can be created. This article is a memo of the procedure to do so.
