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Sign up for a free Auth0 plan

Related Technology

Published: 2024-06-20

When implementing authentication in Next.js, a free Auth0 plan is available for developers. This time, we would like to apply for this free plan so that we can use it for demos, etc.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 is a cloud-based service for simplifying the authentication and authorization process. It is designed to enable developers to quickly integrate authentication features such as single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and social login into their applications.

This service also offers a free plan, and we would like to create an account for this service.

Free sign-up

To create an account, please visit the following site, where you will find a button to apply for a free plan.

Click on the free plan to switch to the Sign-up screen.


After entering your e-mail address, the password setting screen will appear.


Once you set a password, you will receive confirmation regarding the type of use.


The following contents.

I need advanced settings

We’ve assigned your data region to the United States and given you a tenant name. Check this box If you need to process your data in a different region to comply with privacy laws.

If you want to use it outside of the U.S., you need to check the box to change it. In this case, do nothing in particular and proceed as is.


The account was successfully created and logged in.

Note that you will receive a URL to authenticate your email address to your login email address. By completing this process, your account creation will be complete.



Since a website is not only a source of information but also a point of contact with visitors, an authentication mechanism can enhance online services. I have created an Auth0 account and would like to set up a demonstration based on this account.
