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Running Sitecore with Docker - Part 2


Published: 2020-01-08

Building on the previous article, this is a step-by-step guide to deploying Sitecore using a Docker container. This is the second time we will be deploying Sitecore using a Docker container.

  • Please be aware that this blog post was written at the time of the Sitecore 9.3 release.
  • Sitecore Docker series provides a comprehensive overview of Docker-related articles.

Building on the insights from the previous article, this article offers a comprehensive guide to deploying Sitecore using a Docker container. This is the second in a series of articles on this topic.

The images are ready for deployment in Docker, so we will begin with an introduction to deploying Sitecore with no content in it yet.

First, run the following command so that the Sitecore licence file can be specified during deployment.

Set-LicenseEnvironmentVariable.ps1 -Path C:\projects\docker-images\license.xml

If the file can be recognised, you can use .\windows\tests\9.3.x\ directory and run docker-compose --file . \docker-compose.xm.yml up. This yml file will start in XM (CMS Only mode).

We have created a video demonstrating the procedure in question. You can view it here.
