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OrderCloud - Register your product information


Published: 2023-08-29

Here is a sample of OrderCloud and how product information is handled using Headstart.

This series, which will be posted for a while, is the one we had planned to introduce previously.

Check the initial status

When I log in to the admin page and select Products - All Products from the menu, I see that the product information has not yet been registered.


Naturally, EC sites also have no product information registered.


We will review the items required for actual registration.

Add Seller Address

Check the required fields for registering a product. When registering a product, click the Create new Product button from the screen displayed above to move to the following screen.


Required items on this screen are as follows. The item names below are in Japanese for clarity, if Japanese is available.




Product name

Product SKU

SKU number of the product (if not entered, it will be generated)

Quantity per unit

Number per unit

Unit of measurement

Cases, users, etc.

From which location will this item be shipped?

Select Address

Weight of goods


Product price

Of these, nothing can be selected for location yet. First, create it.

Add Seller Address

Selecting the menu Seller Admin - Seller Addresses, nothing is registered as shown below.


Add the following line to the file src/UI/Seller/src/app/shared/models/supported-countries.constant.ts to reflect it in Seller. Seller by adding the following line to the file

      { label: 'Japan', abbreviation: 'JP', currency: 'JPY' },

To enable the above JPY (Japanese Yen), add JPY to the definition in the file src\UI\Seller\src\app\models\currency-geography.types.ts.

export enum SupportedCurrencies {
  AUD = 'AUD',
  USD = 'USD',
  JPY = 'JPY',
  CAD = 'CAD',
  EUR = 'EUR',

It contains a regular expression regarding zip codes. This definition needs to be added for the JP case in ValidateZip in the file src/UI/Seller/src/app/validators/validators.ts. I added the JP part as follows

    switch (countryCode) {
      case 'AU':
        isValid =
      case 'JP':
        isValid = /^[0-9]{7}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$/.test(control.value)
      case 'CA':

The two changes will be complete. You will now register your address as follows


One Seller Address is now set.

New Product Registration

Now that you have additional choices, you can register a new product by selecting Create New Product. There are two required fields, one on the Product tab and one on the Pricing tab.


Upon registration, the product information was registered as follows.



Now that we have created the product information, we need to create the catalogs to deploy them on the actual site. As a menu, click on Buyers - Catalogs and you will see that nothing has been set up yet.


In this case, we will create a catalog called Sitecore SaaS.


It is then necessary to define which sites this catalog will be available at. By default, a group called Default Headstart Address is provided in Buyer Groups.


A catalog item is provided at the bottom of the settings for this group. Check this.


You have now specified the catalog to be used when accessed by anonymous users of the site. Finally, go back again to the product you are registering and check Buyer Visibility. You should see the following


Open Settings and turn on Catalog.


This completes the product registration. The product information is now displayed as shown below.



In this article, we have introduced the steps from a situation where nothing has been set up yet to posting product information on the site. In reality, Seller Addresses and catalogs are already set up when the site is in operation, so the first half of the procedure is not necessary, but it is a good introduction to see how the product information is held in OrderCloud and how HeadStart works. This is a good introduction to the procedure to see how HeadStart works.
