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Sitecore Content Hub CMP Overview

Digital Asset Management

Published: 2020-03-25

Sitecore Content Hub offers a Content Management Platform (CMP) to aid in content marketing. This feature is not included in the standard Sitecore Content Hub DAM and requires a separate subscription.

Here is a brief introduction of what this CMP can do.

What is Content Marketing?

A menu item called Content will be added to the standard menu of the Sitecore Content Hub where CMP is available.


The role of each menu item is as follows

  • Work : You can manage tasks for the content you are creating
  • Search : Search the content you are creating with CMP
  • Calendar : You can refer to a publishing calendar based on the publishing dates set in the content
  • Strategies : View a list of strategies in the company and the content associated with each strategy.
  • Ideas : You can submit ideas based on your ideas before creating content
  • Campaigns: View a list of campaigns and their associated content
  • Reporting: View the amount of content being created in the CMP. Reports can be customized at any time.

As described above, it will be possible to refer to the process related to content creation, which strategy or campaign the content is tied to, whether the content is being created here, and when it is scheduled to be published. The tool is designed to allow users to create content here and publish it to each system as needed.

Content Type

As a standard content type, you can select a webinar, blog, or other common content format. This item can also be added and managed with taxonomies, etc.


Workflow Utilization

The workflow diagram available for creating content in CMP is shown below.



The first step in content creation can begin with "ideas" or "content production". Ideas are idea-based content that has not yet been decided to be produced but should be created in the future. By creating this function, you can prepare a mechanism to keep good ideas and proceed smoothly to content creation.

In terms of content creation, you can proceed in the form of a draft before starting production, and from there, the production process and review. In the publishing process, data can be passed to another mechanism using a combination of triggers and actions, and when using Sitecore Connect for Sitecore CMP, it can be integrated with Sitecore's content management mechanism.


It will be able to meet the needs of content marketing practices, such as visualizing all processes and automating reports. It provides the functionality needed in actual operations, such as calendar-based schedule visualization, campaign-by-campaign reporting, and more.

Because this CMP is linked to the digital asset management mechanism, content and images, as well as materials to be downloaded, can be worked in the Sitecore Content Hub environment.

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